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Your Path to Online Privacy

The headlines tell us “privacy is dead.” Everywhere you turn, more and more information about your life is being collected. Websites, apps, and even your household appliances are tracking you.

The good news is you don’t have to tolerate it anymore.

I am going to show you a roadmap that will let you:

  • achieve better privacy than 99% of the population
  • break away from big tech companies forever
  • browse the web securely and privately, without being tracked or having your data harvested and sold to the highest bidder

Most people know there is a problem, but the solutions seem overwhelming.

If you’re not a “techie” or computer nerd, how do you know what apps and services are safe for your privacy?

And where do you even start when it comes to getting up and running? Most of them don’t come with an instruction manual.

Tech companies give hundreds of millions of dollars to Congress every year, in the hopes they won’t crack down on their abusive spying. Until recently, alternatives were few and far between.

I’ve been working on private solutions for
nearly 2 decades

In the mid-2000s, it became obvious that the federal government was out of control. With programs like “Total Information Awareness,” it was clear that the less information you put out regarding yourself, the better.

As the smartphone era exploded in the 2010s, mainstream America was spending more and more time on the internet. Tech companies, tempted by the lure of marketing dollars, began collecting more and more data about their users.

Post-2016, tracking and spying were combined with increasing levels of censorship. High-profile celebrities, political commentators, and even a sitting US President were banned from social media for making statements that would have been perfectly acceptable in a 2005-era internet.

Censorship reached new heights in 2020, with the Covid pandemic and the presidential election. I realized that a solution was needed that would let us break away from tech companies once and for all.

In April of 2021, I founded Private Phone Shop. There, I helped hundreds of people reclaim their privacy with a de-googled phone.

But there were still a lot of questions. What apps should I use? How do I use them? Where can I store my files? What companies are safe for privacy? And many more…

That’s why I launched this site in the fall of 2022.

I wanted to provide a comprehensive, A-to-Z, top-to-bottom guide on how to find privacy online.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

First, a master class in privacy that I call “Privacy 101.” With 68 topics spread out over 12 lessons, and nearly 9 hours of video content, you’ll learn everything you need to have better privacy than 99% of the population.

This isn’t a three week wonder course where I zip through details and leave you more confused than you were before. You’ll watch as I show you every app, every click, and every detail on how to use the sites and apps you need to stay private, broken down into bite-size pieces.

Some of the things you’ll learn inside:

  • Why “perfect” privacy is impossible, and how to find which level of privacy is right for you
  • The best browser add-ons for privacy, and why too many is a bad thing
  • How to find the right VPN, and when not to use one
  • A simple trick so that even if your password manager is compromised, a hacker still won’t know your passwords
  • The messaging app that’s more secure than Signal, and why you probably shouldn’t use it
  • How to get an infinite number of private email addresses for under $10 per year
  • How to make sure sites that have a “free trial period” won’t drain your bank account
  • The best cryptocurrency to use for privacy, and how to get it
  • The best phones to de-google, and how to install CalyxOS step-by-step
  • How to remove the useless bloat and most google apps from your current phone if you’re not quite ready for the full de-googled experience
  • The best apps to use on your phone for privacy, and which ones are essential
  • Where to store your files privately and securely for the price of a cup of coffee each month
  • Private ways that you can use social media sites like Twitter and Youtube
  • The best alternative social media sites and how to get on them

When you’re ready, there are bonus courses to help you move beyond the basics

Bonus course #1: How to install OpenWRT and NextDNS on your router

Did you know that your router could be phoning home thousands of times per day? And if you have devices like a Roku or smart thermostat, how you can you stop them from showing ads and sending data back to their servers?

I’ll show you how to install OpenWRT, an open-source router firmware that doesn’t spy on you. Then we’ll install NextDNS, which let you block ads and trackers for every device connected to your home network.

Bonus course #2: Set up your own Searx meta-search engine

The most private search engine is one you control yourself! Searx is a meta-search engine, which lets you search all of the main search engines at once, but privately and securely.

I’ll show you how to set up and customize your own Searx instance on a cloud server, and secure it against bots and hackers as well.

Bonus course #3 – Get private phone service through VOIP

Why settle for just one phone number when you can have 2, 4, or even 10?

I’ll show you two different methods for using voice over IP (VOIP) to get as many private phone numbers as you want, without having to give up your personal information.

For the future:

I am continuously working on new bonus courses to help you learn more about privacy. Upcoming material will show you how to set up your own home server, how to create a private chat server for family and friends, and a guide to getting started with Linux.

But that’s only half of what you get…

The other half is a community of like-minded privacy enthusiasts.

Inside is a fully-functional social media site with user profiles and discussion forums. You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to, but it’s where you can get your privacy questions answered, talk about current events and other tech issues, and whatever else you can think of.

All without being censored or having your data mined and sold.

You’ll also have access to monthly “office hours” where you can ask questions about whatever you like, and get help with any challenges you may be facing.

This is a community for optimistic action-minded individuals who are ready to make a positive change. We don’t need any losers who think “they” already know everything about us, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Others charge over $1000 for a similar course

And yes, the information inside is worth that much.

But I’m not asking for a thousand dollars, or even half that.

If you are just looking to dip your toes into the world of online privacy, you can join for $39/month with a Basic membership.

But if you’re serious about privacy, you’ll want to join at the Pro level, or better yet sign up for a Lifetime membership.

Those include:

  • the “Privacy 101” master class with nearly 9 hours of video content
  • two bonus courses that take you beyond the basics, and towards complete self-sufficiency when it comes to your privacy
  • full access to every other bonus course that will ever be added to the site
  • access to monthly “office hours” where you can ask me questions about course content, or anything relating to privacy online
  • a community of like-minded privacy enthusiasts, where you can ask questions and say whatever you want, without fear of being censored
  • private access to Chat GPT, where you can use the power of the world’s most sophisticated AI model without having to give up your email or phone number

Now it’s time for a decision.

The way I see it, you have three options.

Option #1: you do absolutely nothing

If you don’t mind tech companies tracking you, knowing everything you do, and censoring you, then this isn’t for you.

But if you want to break away from big tech, you have two other choices…

Option #2: figure it out yourself

You can spend hours trying to find the apps and services that don’t spy on you, and then spend more hours figuring out how to use them. It’s what I did, and believe me, it’s a lot of work.

But if you’re willing to put in the hours, have a lot of “tech savvy,” and want to spend tons of time in front of your computer, you might be able to pull it off.


Option #3: let me do the heavy lifting for you

I’ll use my years of experience to show you exactly what you should be doing, and what to avoid.

All you have to do is watch the videos and follow along.

If you have any questions, you can ask in the forums or pick my brain during office hours.

Big tech isn’t making it easy to escape their grasp. But with the right roadmap, you can get there.

Want to pay via cash, money order, or crypto? If so then click here, and save 3% off the regular price. Note: due to the nature of cash and crypto payments we only offer lifetime memberships for those payment methods.

Still not convinced?

Here’s what some of our members have to say:

“I was very pleased with the scope and presentation of all the topics… I think you’ve done an outstanding job with the course. Finally, some reasonably simple yet effective tools to fight back in the cyber warspace.” -Karen

“I thought the course was truly outstanding. It was exactly what you advertised it to be, and I couldn’t be more happy with my investment in it. It really inspired me to take a couple of steps toward privacy that I’ve held back on for a long time… You did a great job breaking the topics down into logical areas, and then keeping the videos to the right lengths.” – Grumpy Cat

“I thought the course was overall very insightful and pretty straightforward (as in easy to follow). I’ll definitely be referencing the material in the future as I forget something, want to re-review, or when I’m helping others.” -Matthew G

“I was very happy with the course… Overall great course and I look forward to reviewing it to glean more info and looking forward to more courses!” -Ken

“I am very happy with the topics, details, and presentation of the Privacy Roadmap… I appreciate Kevin’s rapid responses to questions.” -CCA

“So far the course is very informative and I like that I can take it at my own pace. I have not yet finished due to personal time limitations but since it is broken up into many short segments I am able to continually chip away at it and am making steady progress.” -Oscar

Do I need to be a “techie” to join?

No, absolutely not! Detailed explanations and clear instructions are given for every step of the course. Plus you can ask questions in the discussion forums or monthly Q&A if you don’t understand something.

Do I need to finish every lesson or do them in order?

No, the lessons are mostly independent of each other and can be completed in any order. If there’s a particular topic that interests you, feel free to start there!

What happens if I fall behind?

If you have a busy schedule, or if something else comes up, no worries! Any lesson can be completed at any time. And if you have a lifetime membership, you’ll have complete acces forever.

Can I get a refund if I’m not happy with the course?

If you’re not happy with the course you can get a full refund within 30 days of joining. Just send me an email and you’ll get 100% of your money back, no questions asked. You can cancel at any time, for any reason.

If you still have questions, please let us know!